We all desire to be successful whether these are goals for business, home, family, or self-improvement or acquiring name and fame. Successful people are typically too busy innovating to write down much of anything. And on those rare occasions when they attempt to create a book, it’s filled with what they did, and not what led to their idea in the first place. While there are many things that seem to differentiate those who are successful from those who aren’t, I’ve noticed some simple things that successful people do here are five things that successful people are more willing to do:

They Focus on Their Goals Daily
Successful people are always focused on success. For instance, the first I do every morning is written down my goals—I’ve been doing this for years. It’s my experience that if I can stay focused on what I want, I will get it no matter how absurd the goal. Make the things you want and haven’t yet accomplished so real in your mind that they become real in your world.

They Are Willing to Fail:
The old saying, “no risk, no reward” really applies to those who are successful. These people go for it almost with a willingness to fail. Of course, they aren’t interested in failing, but they know that if they don’t put themselves in a position to fail, they’ll never create the ability to win. At some point in life, you’ll have to go for it or you’ll live the rest of your life regretting not doing so.

Don’t Set Out to Be Rich:
The best entrepreneurs don’t have making a fortune as their goal, as they start off. If you don’t understand what the market wants, you are making your life far harder than it has to be. So instead of seeking riches, the best entrepreneurs decide that they are going to follow their dreams or passion that the byproduct is monetary gain.

They Visualize Success:
Whatever the short or long term goal may be, highly successful people always visualize their success even before achieving it. They keep reminding themselves what exactly they need to achieve. A quote that I like to live by is “Thoughts become reality” simply put speaking your goals and dreams into existence.

They Never Make Excuses:
Regardless of how many excuses that can be made, successful people know that it will not change the outcome. Even justified excuses will not make a project or person successful. When things go wrong, the successful person sees it as an opportunity, not an insurmountable hurdle. Most unsuccessful people spend a lot of energy and time making excuses that hinder their success.

Read more by Jay Colby here!