Tag Archives: Bank

How to save money


Happy Wednesday lovely people, hope your week is going well. So today, I would give you tips on how to save money.

Plan out your spending: know what you spend most money on set your priorities so you don’t waste money on unnecessary things.
Make your own gifts: Diying things will save you a ton of money because you can spend as little as £5 in making it instead of spending £30 in purchasing it and the person you give will appreciate it because you put so much time and effort.
Write a list before going shopping: this will help you to purchase only necessary things.
Learn to repair: there are some things that just need repairing instead of wasting money replacing it, you can just repair and save yourself some money.
Stay healthy: this will help you spend less in hospital bills, cigarettes, drugs,medications and probably insurance.
Cut down on electricity usage: turn off the lights, turn off the tv and go outside to read and enjoy nature or you can go for a walk.
Compare prices: walk around the mall and compare the prices of certain commodities so you can get it for the best possible price in order to save money.
Cook: to be honest, we waste our money on fast food when we can just buy the ingredients to cook good food and we can re use the ingredients over and over again.
Sign up for freebies: who doesn’t love free things?
And finally, have a savings account: this is pretty self explanatory

Read more useful articles by Esther here!